I first found out about LnC:TNAOS when I was in my most intense comic-book reading period. I was so totally hooked on the Superman comics at this time, because Clark Kent had - finally!!!!! - proposed to Lois, and a few months later he had - finally!!!!! - revealed his double identity to Lois. And I was so itching for them to get married so that they could finally get together for real. I guess I must have learnt about LnC in early 1993, or whenever the first promotional pictures and ads for LnC started appearing. Naturally, I read about LnC in a Superman comic book. I saw pictures of Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain as Lois and Clark, and I marvelled at how perfect they looked as my two favorite reporters. This was the first picture I saw of them - sorry that this particular version of the picture is so small and dark - and I thought they looked adorable:

[Linked Image]

But then I read a bit more about what the Lois and Clark show would be like. And although I saw this picture many times, I realized that Lois and Clark would not be like this:

[Linked Image]

In this picture, Lois Lane is opening Clark's shirt, revealing him to be Superman (and just possibly she may be in the process of undressing Clark Kent a little bit more after that). But this was precisely what wouldn't happen in the show, at least not in the first season. Lois Lane soooo wouldn't know! And when I realized that, I somehow felt all my strength just leave me at the thought of being back to square one - after Clark had finally proposed and told Lois about his secret, now there is going to be a show where Clark hasn't proposed and Lois doesn't know and... no. No, no, no, no, no. Take it away from me. Don't torture me with this show. Not now!

So I actually made up my mind not to see that show, because I couldn't stand it that Lois wouldn't know! I had never seen the show at all before Mellie, Lara Joelle Kent, so very kindly lent me her CD collections of seasons 1-3. Mellie, I'll return them to you shortly, I promise....

I still don't like season one much. I don't want Lois to be so utterly stupid... she was never such a moron in the comics. And I hate seeing Clark being justified when he lies to her. frown

Jenn, I agree with you about most things you said.

The main reason why I hate Lois not knowing is because she's too damn smart and too damn good a reporter to be in the dark and be played for a fool. (Hey, she isn't my hero for nothing!)
Hear, hear!

And while I do think she should have figured it out sooner, I did like that she figured it out on her own, and he didn't tell her. I think that would have been even more crushing.
I have to agree with you there as well. I hate that Clark didn't tell her, but I think it would have been even worse if she had never been able to see through his disguise herself.

I agree that I liked the show a lot better when Lois had figured out Clark's secret!

The reason why I hang around these boards all the time is not because I love the portrait of Lois and Clark in the show - particularly not the first season portrait of Lois!!! - but because this is the only place where people come because they want to see Lois and Clark get together. And believe me, I'm all for that!!! clap clap clap
