
I seriously enjoyed all the little hints that were littered all over the place, but that Lois couldn't see. That she didn't WANT to see. The things Clark said that she didn't catch on to ("You're so tight. You're like iron." "Steel.") and all the really lame excuses he kept making so he could run off. hee!

Plus, the banter was better, imho, in seasons 1 and 2. And the whole "I like you, but I'll never admit to it" thing Lois had going for a bit - you can SO tell she's jealous! I love that!

L&C had broken canon so blatantly, but also that they had done it SO well
Broken canon? I'm not entirely certain this is right. I don't know what the article said, but this is canon:

Lois found out that Clark was Superman in Action Comics #662, which came out in February 1991. Lois and Clark had been engaged since Christmas of 1990.

I own copies of these comics - the one where he proposes, the one where she says yes, and the one where she figures him out. Which, BTW, she did not have a fit about, only told him she needed time to process this information.

So I'm really not sure what canon he meant... Or I'm just dense and not seeing it?

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies