So it's another morning, another poll. So I'm a little more awake today, so let's try something different. You game? <pokes ... wake up, people ... you'll miss me when I go back to nights.>

So I have randomly selected eight episodes of L&C, and you're invited to give your general opinion on these episodes. (Why eight? Because five is too few, 10 is too many, there are four season ... never mind, just answer the questions.)

1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
5. Witness, Season 1:
6. Resurrection, Season 2:
7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"