Lois & Clark Forums
So it's another morning, another poll. So I'm a little more awake today, so let's try something different. You game? <pokes ... wake up, people ... you'll miss me when I go back to nights.>

So I have randomly selected eight episodes of L&C, and you're invited to give your general opinion on these episodes. (Why eight? Because five is too few, 10 is too many, there are four season ... never mind, just answer the questions.)

1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
5. Witness, Season 1:
6. Resurrection, Season 2:
7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:
1. House of Luthor, Season 1: I actually like this ep ... I was glad that Lois got her head out of her @ss and said no to Lex before the cops busted in on her wedding.

2. Wall of Sound, Season 2: I love when Lois gets competitive, and her reaction to Clark's Kerth nomination, plus the methods she employs to get the story on the Stoke Club, are fabulous.

3. Just Say Noah, Season 3: No couple bickers better than Lois and Clark. I didn't like how Clark didn't see to truly understand why Lois was upset that he broke up with her (don't even get me started, I didn't pick "Contact" as one of the eps because this board moderates profanity) so I think it was good that she actually owned up to the fact that he had broken her heart, and they were able to move forward. And the scene in Smiley's office ... yow. However, I don't like the A-Plot whatsoever.

4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4: My fave episode of the entire series. It's sexy and funny and it involves journalism (well, kind of; more like the fish-wrap kind of publication, but still ...) and I love how Clark's love for Lois makes him willing -- however unwillingly -- to bend the truth.

5. Witness, Season 1: I hate that Lois intimates that she'd use her feminine assets to get information, especially because she goes out of her way to negate that stereotype most of the time, but I do like that she realizes that she does need Clark. When she clings to him in the kitchen after being attacked, it's such a sweet moment between best friends.

6. Resurrection, Season 2: Bah. Call him Daniel. Call me nauseated. And I don't care how guilty Clark felt about Mayson's death, he was so besotted with Lois that he wouldn't have blown her off like that.

7. Never on Sunday, Season 3: I don't like the idea that Clark could be controlled by fear, and I also don't think Lois would get that sucked into wedding planning.

8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4: I love this episode. Bonnie Lane and Clyde Kent breaking the law, sneaking around, having hot sex in dingy motels ... Mmm.
1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
Seeing Clark in a cage makes me want to hit Lex Luthor!!! Seeing Lex die makes me want to dance!!

2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
The scene at the end, at the Kerth Awards is soooooo totally sweet. smile I love it!

3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
Heh. It's amusing, but.. heh. Not my fav.

4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
I, uh... don't really remember that one. Is that the one where Lois is tied up on the bed and she forgets the fact that she can use her hands to tear the tape off her mouth and speak, instead of doing the mime thing?

5. Witness, Season 1:
Heeee! It starts off with Phil Mickelson! (how big of a dork am I, huh?) I adore that episode. Every last minute of it. It's one of my favs.

6. Resurrection, Season 2:
Someone, please, kill Dan.

7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
I'm not crazy about this one, but it's OK. I have no real opinion.

8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:
I barely remember this one. I'm sorry. You know I don't much like S4....
1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
I liked this episode, although I don't know if there's anything specific about it that I can say.

2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
I loved seeing Lois and Clark kind of go about investigating things in their own way. It's fun to watch.

3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
One of my fav B plots of the series. Although I agree that Clark was a little thick headed, he very sweetly admits that he's still new at the whole relationship thing. Not a big fan of the A plot though. But there are very few A plots I like after Luthor dies the first time.

4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
I really like this one too. Again, I'm not a huge fan of the villan, but the events caused by him are really interesting. But I do think that Clark's a little too noble here. He was perfectly willing to lie in Top Copy, yet here he can't even bend the truth to protect his wife? His decision to tell everyone the truth really seems like false drama added by the writers. And that's one thing I really can't stand to see. But seeing Lois and Clark trying to deal with this on a more personal level was really good.

5. Witness, Season 1:
I liked seeing Clark protect Lois, and for Lois to realize that. The A plot was good too, with a strong female villan (something that I feel is lacking in the show)

6. Resurrection, Season 2:
Haven't seen this in a while, but at the risk of people throwing things at me, I have to say that I don't mind Dan peep Really, it makes for some intersting character parallels and stuff. Maybe it's because the Dan stuff was actually some of the last episodes I go around to watching, so by then I already knew what would happen. The reason why I don't watch a lot of S2 is because I always hate it how Clark takes so long in telling Lois the truth.

7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
I'm kind of neutral on this. Early/mid season three is my fav section to watch as far as Lois and Clark's relationship goes. And the A plot wasn't bad, but I did feel it was a bit too similar to Illusions of Grandeur in S1. (I mean, how common can mind controlling magicians be?)

8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:
For reasons I can't quite put my finger on, I really disliked the A plot in this. That said, I loved some of the interactions between Lois and Clark, so whenever I watch this epi, I just fastforward until the good bits.

This was a lot of fun, and I'm certainly going to miss it when you go back to nights!
I'll write whatever comes to mind, because it's been ages since I rewatched Lois & Clark. Maybe after I finish my current Charmed marathon (2 episodes per day - I'm on season 6 out of 8 seasons), I'll go back to L&C. Super cool poll smile

1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
I gasped at Lex's deranged virtual reality, loved Lois' "Lois Kent" in front of the mirror, groaned at Clark's finger-crossing and cursed Lois for her "not giving up on Superman yet." I guess she needed more time to decide. Also for a plot-untwist: maybe in the end if Lex didn't have time to send that e-mail or whatever it was that he did before jumping off the ledge, maybe he wouldn't have been resurrected by the wretched Gretchen.

2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
Loved how they split up on the investigation, but eventually team up again smile . Why did Superman have to go see Lois in the end with the silly "they are bigger," and further slow down his relationship progress as Clark? Maybe he was dropping in clues in his own lunk-headed way. The best scene was "how did I rate as a date?"

3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
Ok so I wasn't a big fan of how Clark broke up with Lois a few episodes back.. but the make-up scene more than made up for it goofy I simply loved this episode for its comic relief during Lois and Clark's standoff - Lois' icecream excuse, Lois and Clark's excuses to get a particular room at the retreat, to name a few. And Jimmy's confession to Lois while being tied up was hilarious.

4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
Loved everything about the episode except Lois' (dumb) charade scene. Some good scenarios were covered like the whole consequences of secret identity plus Clark being ready to tell all, etc.

5. Witness, Season 1:
Snickered at Superman's trying to convince Lois "that's why you should let Clark stay here." And Lois wanting Clark to walk with her at the end was terrific.. showed their progressive bonding.

6. Resurrection, Season 2:
Why couldn't the DEA have sent a less annoying agent, and someone who doesn't butt in romantically? I also didn't like Clark dismissing Lois at the graveyard and generally ignoring / undermining her for a large part of the episode. Ok, so he needed some alone-time - true, but maybe he could have gone to her as Superman or talked to her (like he did when he gave up in Neverending battle) and let Lois comfort him through words & recharge him.

7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
The wedding-ring helps him fight off.. yay! And a glimpse into Clark's reporting days before the Planet.. so another yay! That's all I remember of this episode. Or wait this was the one where we had Ellen's wedding planner, right? That was funny. But Clark should have let in Lois sooner on his troubles. Oh well, guess both (yeah Clark too) needed more epsidoes to learn to rely on each other without losing their sense of independence.

8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:
The court scene (in People vs Lois Lane) and her imprisonment were very touching. Hated Jefferson Cole and the DA, so I guess kudos to their acting skills. Superman helping Lois escape was terrific, and her appetite when incognito was hilarious laugh

1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
Luthor was entirely too smug and Lois at this point was not the strong woman she should've been. I felt so sorry for Clark in this episode and I really wanted to shake some sense into Lois.
2. Wall of Sound, Season 2: Lois again was acting like a petulant little child because of the fact that Clark got the Kerth nomintation rather than her. It was though nice to see Lois regain her competitive edge. (PS for JAG fans the actor who played Lenny Stoke also played the part of the King of Romania in JAG)
3. Just Say Noah, Season 3: Lois' indifference to Clark was well valid and while I didn't entirely enjoy the A-Plot the whole sub plot of Lois and Clark working through their problems even if it took a deranged lunatic to make them realise that they were made for each other. The bedroom scene was sweet and honest at the same time and Clark's battle with gravity was hilarious to see.
4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4: A good look into how the media plays a part in the way people form their opinions. It was interesting to see how Lois and Clark would handle the idea of an 'affair' between a married Lois and a at least in the public's eyes a bachelor Superman. The charades scene though is rather amusing.
5. Witness, Season 1: Sweet scene after Clark saves Lois after she'd been attacked by Sebastian Finn. Cute episode and rather enjoyable
6. Resurrection, Season 2: Dan needs to get a life and get rid of those shocking shirts. Also Clark neede to get a backbone and should have nade it clear to Scardino that he was encroaching on his territory
7. Never on Sunday, Season 3: The voodoo part was a little ridiculous, but Ellen Lane and the wedding planner scenes we're funny especially when Lois and Clark were preoccupied and not paying attention. The end fire escape scene was sweet.
8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4: While I didn't like the plot the idea that Lois and Clark actually get their 'out of town' honeymoon even though they were on the run was fun to watch. Clark's devotion to Lois is really evident in this episode.
1. House of Luthor, Season 1: Eh.. I thought it was okay. But I loved when Lois says, 'Lois Lane Kent' and their hug when they reunite outside of Lex towers
2. Wall of Sound, Season 2: I love how bold Lois is in getting Stokes' attention. I love Lois' reaction to Clark winning the Kerth Nom. I love that Superman can't hide how he feels about Lois in front of Stokes.
3. Just Say Noah, Season 3: Pretty Lame A Plot. And even though Star is sweet, she annoys the crap out of me. But points for the short passionate kiss in Smiley's lair.
4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4: One of my faves. I love the sexual tension in that ep. and even though Lois totally could have pulled the tape off her mouth, the pantomiming scene cracks me up.
5. Witness, Season 1: I love that Lois goes to Clark for protection in this when Barbara Trevino threatens her. I love when Clark checks Lois out before her interview with what's his face. I love when Clark holds Lois after Mr. Tras..whatever tried to kill her.
6. Resurrection, Season 2: I love Mayson out of the picture. I HATE Dan in the picture. I hate that Clark is so distant with Lois at Mayson's funeral when you can see she wants to reach out to him so badly.
7. Never on Sunday, Season 3: Not my favorite ep. I like that Warrick from CSI is in this ep. I like it when Jimmy thinks he's naked in front of his class. I like Clark's face after he puts Lois' ring back on her hand and kisses it.
8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4: Love the 'news woman' bit in the motel. Love that Clark breaks her out.
1. House of Luthor, Season 1:
I kinda liked that ep. Lois realizes that she can’t be without Clark, Lex “dies”, Lois throws herself in Clark’s arms... what’s not to like? wink

2. Wall of Sound, Season 2:
May I say that Teri looks so stunningly sexy in that leather dress and with the slutty make-up? wink What bugs me a bit is that Superman’s invulnerability does not include his hearing senses... that’s just plain weird to me. But they found a way to give him a hard time without Kryptonite, so I have to give them credit for that.

3. Just Say Noah, Season 3:
I love love love it! Their exploration of their hurt feelings, the constant bantering... and of course the making up – mmmh!

4. Sex, Lies and Videotape, Season 4:
Don’t remember. Just that I found that the idea was really great! Seriously, Lois and Superman looked way too suspicious with each other... people were bound to make up their minds...

5. Witness, Season 1:
That was a really nice one – and credible, too. I love Clark’s protectiveness although I can pretty much understand that she feels bugged by him. And, hey, my vidder’s heart loves the scene when he takes her in his arms after the attack. And the way she asks him to stay instead of going after that guy... *melts*

6. Resurrection, Season 2:
I may be pretty alone with my opinion but: I love it!
I always found that their relationship is progressing too quickly. So, I was kinda content to have Clark seeing some concurrence. Granted, his feelings were hurt and he was in pain. But I can so much relate to Lois and her feelings: She had finally let him in and feels let down by his behavior.

7. Never on Sunday, Season 3:
Yuck... I think this is one of the eps I hate most of the entire show. Sure, the wedding planner thing is cute and it’s sweet that the ring gives him the strength to fight the magic. But the rest is just crap.

8. Dead Lois Walking, Season 4:
Um... it’s okay. But nothing that I would watch if I had the choice...
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