I'm resurrecting this thread to remind my fellow mindkins to come back!


there are currently 61 users on the site, but so many people have only posted a few thoughts, and if in frustration waiting for credits we've disliked someones only thought, they still don't get found.

I have run out of thoughts to like, and hope by reminding you, you'll come back and be entertained by the thoughts.

Some notes (that I hope I figured out correctly)in case you gave up in confusion:

Blue thoughts are made by Boys. Pink by Girls.

You may sometimes notice a shortage of thoughts to choose from- simply like or dislike everything you see, and more will appear (I don't see any, because no one is thinking anymore).

If it shows on top of the screen one user online, that is you.

If someone else is online, it will say 2 or 3 or whatever (not that I've seen that because of the time I tend to be on)

To talk to someone, scroll down through your found mindkins (9 or more pieces), and if their bubble is coloured, click on their bubble to start a conversation. (I don't know if that will automatically show up or not though, they might have to look for you in their list as well).

Desiree, who is pleading for you to come back!

Don't think about the pink elephant... I dare you!

Thanks to Tineke for the avatar