Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all the reassurances I haven't offended you guys! I'm really glad to hear it. smile Selinde, I agree, Mindkin will be a lot more fun if there is a lot of people on it, especially if there is enough for there to be multiple people online at the same time. There are 12 people registered on the site now. Lauren has posted a blurb on Mindkin for me on the fanfic archive main page so hopefully more and more people will join. So, Selinde, LaraMoon, symbolicangel, camy, please check back to see who else joins!

Kristen, thanks for trying to join. Have you checked your spam filter? May be the invite is there? If you can't find it, let me know and I can look up your invitation URL in the database and either e-mail you it or post it here. Thanks!

Labrat, thanks for the compliment on the site design. We were a bit worried about it because our team is all geeks/hackers, no artsy people. wink

Thank you all, and I really hope anyone else who reads this thread will give it a try. And please, let me know of any suggestions and/or criticisms you may have! Thanks so much! wave

Check out my social-networking game I created just for FoLCs: http://folc.mindkin.com