L&C hasn't exactly changed my life.

The show definitely didn't when it was on the air, back in the '90s. Unless you count the fact that I bought my first VCR back then, solely for the purpose of recording the eps since I couldn't always be home when it aired. (hey, there was no way I was going to miss shirtless Clark!)

I was in my 20s then - so, too old for it to influence my choice of careers or anything. Although, I could say that seeing Superman II (I was 11 or 12) at the movies made me want to be "just like Lois Lane" - and for a while I was. I studied journalism in school and for a short while I even worked as a reporter. But that's movie-Lois and movie-Superman (there's no such thing as movie-Clark, if you ask me) -- their TV counterparts just provided some entertainment for a bit.

However... discovering the fanfic archive and these boards last year has had a *major* impact on my life. I know I've said this someplace before (but don't ask me where I wrote it, 'cause my memory is really bad) but I'll repeat anyway. wink I was in a very bad place back then and the discovery of these websites, the stories they house and the people that hang around here, has literally saved my life. (yes, it was that bad)

It's brought back the desire to write, for one thing - which is one creative field where I don't completely suck - and just reading the stories here keeps bringing back this sort of happy hope that the world can be a wonderful, amazing place. I'd completely lost that back then.

I've also met some really special people here that I consider myself blessed to be able to call friends. In fact, my closest friends are people I've met through here -- I've flown out to meet a few of them, in fact which has made for some of the most awesome trips I've ever been on (I'm still on one of those, as I'm typing this, actually!)

And I've not even begun to explain the impact that a certain group of girls from here has had -- with their help and support, I'm now well on my way to a better, healthier life. Had it not been for them, I would not be standing here, nearly 40 pounds lighter than I was on New Year's.

No... L&C hasn't really changed my life. FoLCs have.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies