I watched the show from the very first episode until the drecky parts of the third season. By the fourth season I was so unhappy with the direction the show had taken that I sort of wandered away. It wasn't until I saw the first two seasons for sale on DVD that I remembered just how much I had adored the show.

Even so, TNAOS didn't have any influence on my life until I found the boards and worked up the nerve to post a story. Since then, I must confess that it has started to consume every spare minute I can find. I've met so many awesome and talented people here that it's been a very fair trade.

I think it's accurate to say that, while I still love the show, it's FoLCs who have had such an impact on my life for the past year and half.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis