Oh, Wendy, nice! I like this fast pace of events. <g> And I love it that
Perry's in the picture too! smile

"If you trust him, that's good enough for me." He smiled. "Okay, how
do we make progress on the explosion investigation? You know more about it
than I do."
I love it that he said this. That he trusts her judgement. I wonder if Lois noticed that, too. She's probably still insecure about her trust and judgement of people (though she seems to trust Clark pretty deeply), and I imagine she might be questioning herself if certain people in her life are in fact who she thought they were. Not necessarily people she's known for as long as she'd known Perry and Henderson, but maybe other people.

Her breath caught. And she took a hesitant step towards him.

He moved towards her, but then halted. "Lois..."
/me takes out infamous light sabre and threatens Clark with it.

Seriously, man, just kiss her. <g>

Clark chose to remain silent as Lois gave the brief, sanitised explanation of how she'd survived her near-encounter with drowning. White gave him a look of gratitude and admiration once Lois explained that he'd saved her; he had the impression that he'd suddenly climbed several notches in the retired editor's estimation.
This isn't very clarified - did she tell him the real version or the I-was-washed-ashore version? I assume she told him at the very least something in between, because he knows that Clark rescued her, but did they go all the way to tell him about his powers? (/me fears Wendy will say RAFO <g>)

Oh, Lois... He ached to hold her, to take her in her arms and tell her that it didn't matter.
Do it!!!!!

He wondered if he should risk even giving her hand a comforting squeeze, but regretfully decided that he'd better not; after all, no matter what the circumstances, she was still married. And he had no idea whether it would bother her if her former editor realised that the two of them were more than friends, even if they hadn't so far done anything beyond talk about their feelings.
Friends can give each other reassuring squeezes, you paranoid lunkhead. <G>

Clark winced inwardly at that. He'd seen yesterday how humiliated and angry with herself Lois felt at not having seen through her husband.
Poor Lois. frown I feel for her - it's the worst feeling, putting your trust into someone and being betrayed, and then on top of that being told you were about the only person who was wrong about them. frown

Great part, Wendy, hope the next one is up soon. smile smile smile

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)