Gods and extraterrestrial entities have has also been known to give him a beating, but this is the hard way to take him out.
Don’t forget that Darkseid killed him.

One way to expose Superman is to remove him from accessing the sun, as in the episode MTP.
I wouldn’t have known this if I hadn’t just read it in another thread. It’s STP for Stop the Presses. (It’s not Meet the Presses.)

In the comics recharging isn’t instanteous as it was in that episode.
I’ve always thought that instantaneous recharging was a bit over the top…

Every cell in his body is a solar powerplant that generate the protective bioelectronical forcefield, he is just as resilient through and through. And even when he gets hurt is body regenerate at an incredible speed.
Poision and disease doesn't affect him, with some extraterrestrial exceptions.
That doesn’t make sense to me. Is that what the wikipedia says? I didn’t find it.

This is what I found:

It has been explained that Superman seems to have two primary sources of energy. The first is that Superman's cellular structure is suffused with specialized cells, organelles and organs whose function seems to be the storage of the radiant energy in multiple formats. It is unknown if this is a part of the normal Kryptonian physiology or was added due to their scientific advancements in biomodifications.
This seems to indicate that the energy is stored throughout his body. It doesn’t actually say that he’s resilient through and through, but it could be interpreted either way. It also doesn't say that every cell absorbs the energy. (But then I could have missed that. It was a long article.) Hmm… interesting.

Though I'm going to have to agree with LNCroxmysox on the poison thing--if a bomb doesn't hurt his innards too much (even after kryptonite exposure as in "Tempus, Anyone?") then I doubt poison would do much. Doesn't his body metabolise things too fast anyway?
No, I wouldn’t think a poison that he ingested would hurt him. But what if it was induced into his blood stream?

Another thought. A bomb doesn’t hurt his stomach . My thinking is that after it was broken down in his stomach then there would be no reason that it would hurt anything else. But what if other organs had been exposed to a bomb? What if someone had slit his belly open with kryptonite and then set off a bomb? (wicked again) I’m not thinking he would be as invulnerable.

Would Kryptonite be able to hurt Clark if it were not radioactive? I am guessing that the reason Kryptonite is radioactive has something to do with being pieces of an exploding planet, but what if Clark had been sent before Krypton exploded, any Kryptonite that came with him might not be radioactive. Would it still hurt him? Would it be as harmful to him as any normal rock might be harmful to any one of us?
That’s an interesting thought. You might be right. Also, canon (not LnC canon) says that once Superman has been exposed to a particular chunk of red kryptonite that he can never be affected by it again. Why couldn’t that be so (or you could write it that way) with other forms of kryptonite?

Also, his invulnerability seems to be something he can strengthen or weaken by thought control, so if he wasn't expecting it, a poison might work.
Hey, Woody, have you been peaking at my WIP? Hehe… I did just that a chapter or so ago.

I really find this whole magic thing intriguing. I’m going to have to pull out that Charmed cross-over and work on it.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~