Ok, slightly odd question I think, but one I've just been wondering about.

We know that there is no object that can hurt Superman besides kryptonite, but what about other methods?

Now I am crossing fandoms here, but do you think that telekenesis could hurt Superman. Say, like a Jean Gray/Phoenix X-Men 3 style attack. Or Sylar from "Heroes" (if anyone watches that show--my newest addiction). Would a telekenetic attack hurt Superman?

Would a magical attack hurt Superman? I know in Smallville they address that a bit but I only saw a few of those episodes and I didn't much like that whole plot arc anyway. In L&C we see a bit of magic--Baron Sunday's voodoo anyhow, but that didn't actually hurt Clark physically it was all mental.

But would, say, Avada Kedavra be abe to kill Superman?

Just curious of what you think might be the case if Superman were to encounter a physical assault using other powers.

"I don't know Mom; it's a bomb stain." -Clark Kent