I don't know if a thread like this has been done before but I don't remember one like it at least not recently, so what the hey. Basically its to let your fellow FoLC know about things you've noticed about the show that others may not have noticed. It could be anything from bloobers to inconsistencies (feel free to correct me if I spelled that word wrong) or just things that never quite made sense to you. Maybe someone will have an answer for you or at least you'll find out that weren't the only one saw this.

OK I'll go first

In the episode Lois and Clarks, Alt-Clark slept on the couch. In the episode The Family Hour both Clark's and Lois' parents slept at their brownstone. From what I could tell no one was sleeping on the couch which means that Lois and Clark had at least two spare bedrooms. So my question is, why make poor Alt-Clark sleep on the couch when there was a spare bedroom he could've used?

Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.