There are lots of episodes I like.
We Have a lot to talk about, Ordinary People, Tempus, Anyone?, Dad who came in from the cold,
Ultra Woman, I like this one when Lois 'opened' the iron gate & then threw it away, its funny. goofy
I actually liked Big Girls Dont Fly,
sure its really sad that Clark/Superman has to leave but
what gets me is that it showed what Lois is really made of. If it were me in her place, I don't know if I can do what she did. Lois sacrificed everything. Its really noble. I got teary-eyed in this ep too. mecry

Like everyone else I also think the 'Clonesia Argh' is just, arrghh. really.

You're the icing on my cake.
What's that?
Chocolate, of course.