Hmmm, yes. It would be great if Lois could kick his butt. He's pretty confident now; I wonder if, now that he doesn't have to pretend with her, Lex will get a bit cocky. She might be able to catch him unaware, and do some damage. The only problem is, if she just hurts him slightly, he's likely to lash back pretty hard. He could really, really hurt her.

I hope Clark can find her. Then-- he has to find a way to get in to where she is. If he were already Superman, he could just bust in... but since he's still "only" Clark, and since Lois isn't the only one who knows his name, he has to be more subtle than superheroes usually are wink . No bursting through the walls, I guess. Hmmm... maybe an earthquake? Knock down a few walls?

I'm glad Rachel knows, too, and has just accepted it all these years. Wonder how she found out? I suppose if this particular Rachel also had a crush on him at one time, she might have paid close(r) attention to him, more than his other friends did... and you described her as very sharp, and she's probably very observant. I just think it's neat that she just takes it in stride. Makes me like her even more.

And I, too, like doc Jill's OCD-ishness goofy . Hah! She's got a second blood sample, and a vet who can process it at a private lab. Once it's processed, she can label it "Exhibit A" and put it back into the fridge for later goofy .


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler