I just went to get S2 today, which I was very happy about, and a trip to the mall showed that the prices vary by a lot, so I just wanted to advise all Canadian FolCs.

At Zellers, it's selling for $53.49 (or something like that), $59.99 at Music World and only $49.99 at HMV, surprisingly enough. I haven't been to Sam the Record Man, Wal-Mart (though I try not to shop there), Best Buy, Sam's Club (I try not to shop there either), Costco, Sunrise, or any other places to check out prices, but I was happy enough to buy it for $50 at HMV, so I didn't bother. Plus I just really wanted to bring it home because the weather was so bad today, and it's not like I have a lot of free time on my hands anyway. smile

Hope that information might be useful to someone!

Chriscy smile