Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChriscyK Attn: Canadian FoLCs who have yet to buy S2 - 01/18/06 06:40 PM
I just went to get S2 today, which I was very happy about, and a trip to the mall showed that the prices vary by a lot, so I just wanted to advise all Canadian FolCs.

At Zellers, it's selling for $53.49 (or something like that), $59.99 at Music World and only $49.99 at HMV, surprisingly enough. I haven't been to Sam the Record Man, Wal-Mart (though I try not to shop there), Best Buy, Sam's Club (I try not to shop there either), Costco, Sunrise, or any other places to check out prices, but I was happy enough to buy it for $50 at HMV, so I didn't bother. Plus I just really wanted to bring it home because the weather was so bad today, and it's not like I have a lot of free time on my hands anyway. smile

Hope that information might be useful to someone!

Chriscy smile
I bought my copy at Future Shop for $37.99.

Ooh! That's a heavy swing in the gut for a desperately impoverished university kid like me, especially since the Future Shop was just across the street from the mall I visited but I didn't bother to go check. $12. That's like one to two parties/club covers/event tickets. Ouch.

/me takes a deep breath and repeats mantra It was completely worth it. It was completely worth it. It...
/me repeats to ChriscyK: Price match! Or return for refund and go and get it at Future Shop instead!

And, yes, wasn't the London weather terrible today? razz

Wendy smile
Ooh, but I eagerly ripped off the wrapping as soon as I got back and watched some of the DVDs already! Does HMV do price matches? And actually, I already did the refund and re-buy thing. goofy I bought it at Zellers first thinking it would be cheapter, went to HMV, refunded at Zellers, went to Music World, then went back to HMV. goofy

And yeah, Wendy, the awful thing about the weather now is it could be mild one day and icky the next. Of all schools, why did I have to choose to go to one that's smack on the snow belt? goofy
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