TOC Superman Exposed by Noelle Andrews

This is a rewrite of Green, Green Glow of Home that's not entirely done yet because it's kind of stuck in the middle. (Although, the end has already been written!
Since it has been sitting for 27 months may we assume you are still stuck?

If so may I suggest that you have much of the story in Smallville play out as it did. The shooting and Trask getting killed and so forth.

However have Clark shot a few times, rushed to a hospital, hover on the brink of death for a while and make national news.

At the same time Lois has quit the Planet and has sold her Superman is Clark Kent story elsewhere.
With the lag in getting a printed paper on the street it'd be nice if Clark was on the 11:00 news around the county and Nightline did a bit on Superman being hunted by an arm of the US airforce.

Nightline does not yet know of Lois's story and interviews Perry about the earlier B39 story.

Having one of his reporters shot, almost killed, and knowing B39 was trying to find a way to kill Superman would be the lead in to two discussions

#1 Superman hero or threat?

#2 Is the government ever justified in ignoring it's own laws in the manner Trask did.

So the next morning the paper with Lois's story comes out and at once Lois is a laughing stock.

Since she broke in while Clark was out of town, and he is on National News hovering on the brink of Death from being shot everyone assumes she planted the suits.

Of course all this leads to Luthor not being interested in Lois Lane, being seen with her now would be bad for his image. So for some time you can write about Lois working on her own and because she is not blinded by dating Lex she begins to see him for who he really is and works to expose him.

As things work out she needs to work with Clark and her Luthor story becomes her ticket back to working at the Planet.

Superman is course shunning her.

So she ends up back at the Planet, Luthor is gone, and now intergang appears. Also Mayson Drake and "Call me Daniel".....
