The Merriweather Committee wishes to express its deep sadness at the death of Lane Smith, who passed away June 13.

In “Tempus, Anyone?” Perry tells Jimmy, that he’s “just an old Memphis word-stringer.” He was that and more. As an actor, his body of work stands as a witness to his ability to string words together and make them seem natural. His talent transformed him into the role he played and he became that character. Whether playing an affable but razor-sharp district attorney in “My Cousin Vinnie,” a double-dealing, scene-stealing congressman in “The Distinguished Gentleman,” or a win-at-all-costs coach in “The Mighty Ducks,” (to name just a few movies), Lane brought a freshness and uniqueness to every role.

Lane’s interpretation of Perry White transformed the role from a one-dimensional sideline player to a vital and pivotal character in the Lois/Clark/Superman story. His pairing of the jaded professional with the enthusiastic newbie set in motion the love story that would transpire over the next four seasons. His presence as Perry White, complete with Elvis anecdotes, would be the one steady constant the lives of all the characters at the Daily Planet. No one will be able to top his performance as Perry. He will be sorely missed.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.

Godspeed, Lane. You will ever be in our hearts.