Hey Seersha,

Site looks quite interesting, and I'm bookmarking it. Just thought I'd give you some feedback, if that's alright - as I said, it's got a lot of promise. But if you want to make it even better, I would recommend that you consider your color scheme some more; you have a black background with blue text, which is rather hard to read by us folks with feeble eyes. Generally-speaking, I have a hard time reading sites where the background is very close in color to the main text. If a site looks promising, I will try highlighting the text so I can read it easier, but it's an extra step so the poor site author who went to all that work might not keep me there for long.

Just a thought, with the hope that you will take it in the spirit intended - not to discourage you, but to hopefully help you!

Melisma (under her Rock, always happy to look at a new LnC site!)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda