Last Updated: 25 April, 2004. New layout at site, new URL.

Hey all,

I'm here to let you know about my Lois/Clark site. It isn't a site about the actual show, rather the relationship between Lois/Clark and I've tried to cover a few areas (comics, movies & of course, L&C the show). My friend & I created it together, so hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Anyway, when I say "new" it's actually been open for a while, I just never announced it because it was (and still is to some extent) under construction.

However, since it is the 12th September and L&C's 10 year anniversary, I thought I'd post the URL so you can visit and tell me what you think. All comments -- good, bad etc. -- are welcome. If you think there's something I should add or whatever, feel free to say so.

Enough babbling, here it is:

Moon Gazing ( )

Anyone who wants to link it would be forever thanked smile
