I finally having it after burning out my brain cause i knew it but just couldnt remeber all of it or the ep. ok but its from "Dont Tug on Supes Cape" Jimmy and Perry are talking but they are pretending to be spys friday and gannon. Its one of the dreams that clark has, because both lois and clark are scared and going crazy thinking about marriage.

Let me tell you something, Mr. Kent, your wife may have been the one to go physco . . .

. . . trash the supermarket . . .

. . . throw over all the vegetable bins . . .

. . . melt the entire freezer section

But you drove her to it. You're just as guilty.

guilty of what?


Preoccupation with other things.

No emotional support.

No time for bedtime stories.

And don't give me another saving-the-Hoover-dam alibi, cause I've heard it all before.

Being grown-up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives, the only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right! ~Ataris