"clark, i don't think it's a good idea for us to take off in the middle of the street like this. someone could see us. we should duck into an alley and you should change into the suit. ... oh, hi there. don't mind us. we're just, uh... studying for the fireman's test."

"clark, i told you, i am NOT going chrismas shopping with you! hey, this isn't fair! put me down!"

"clark, i'd love to pick out a ring with you, but i'm not going into that store. it says 'wholesale!' i'm not going ring shopping in - hey!"

"clark, look at the giant candy cane! and it says 'wholesale!' i'll bet they have all sorts of chocolate goodies in there! oh, i know i shouldn't eat that much candy. i know i'm on a diet, but, oh, i just can't resist..."
"i'm getting you out of here, lois."

"oh, my favorite candy store, and it's closed for the day! clark, what are we going to do?"
"i've got an idea. we'll ram the door. hold your legs as straight as you can..."

"clark, when you said you wanted to see what it was like to have a woman hitting on you, i didn't think you meant it literally!"

"look, clark, i'm trying to support your artistic endevours, but i'm sorry... your back is just not a very good percussion instrument."

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.