
My least fave LnC ep? The one I haven't seen yet.

No seriously - I found something I liked in every one of the eps from season 1-4.

Sure, some were silly plots, and others made me cringe that my sister and bro-in-law decided to watch that night - I had been raving about the show for months, and the *one* night they decided to watch, it was an ep that dealt with something they decided was "New Age". (They are *very* conservative Christians who shudder any time anything remotely devilish or unexplained is shown on TV - let's just say that they *don't* know about my XFiles, fandom...) So anyway, I can't remember which ep it was - prolly Never on Sunday or Just Say Noah or something - and they told me what a heathen I was for watching something so full of the devil...

But then I should have expected it. My parents and my sister have been down on Star Trek for years, for the same reason. Although, my bro-in-law isn't too bad about it. Go figure. But let's just say that I have to be very careful which of my shows I watch when my family is around. My dad even had a fit about SG1 the one time I dared to watch it when he was downstairs last summer - ever after that if he was home I just let the VCR get it and watch it when he was home and might wander down to the basement (where I live, so it's basically my private area, but he does have his office down there, as well as their storage area, so they come down now and again...) - well, his thing was not the scifi-ness or the aliens or anything like that... He was working in his office with the door closed, and he only heard the sound, but when he walked by, there was some zat' shooting going on, and he didn't like it 'cause it was too violent - well sorry, Dad, but most of my shows do have a little violence in them, and I'm nearly 35 for god's sakes, I can handle it...

/rant, sorry!

Anyway, short and long of it is, some eps of LnC were better than others, but I have a hard time classifying any as *The Worst*. Honestly!

Melisma (going back into hiding here under her Rock, after that long rant-babble)


Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda