Originally posted by EL:
Just thought I'd throw my two cents in... Even if someone is a US citizen, if they were not born in the US they are not eligible for the presidency. So if Lois were born in Europe, she could not run regardless of her and her parents' citizenship status.
If she was born on a US military base, she probably could run for president. If she was born in a US embassy the same would apply.

If she is like Ted Cruz born two a US-citizen mother and a non-then US citizen father in Canada, then the answer is still probably yes. Why, because generally, "natural born" is interpreted as citizen by birth. Cruz has citizenship from birth, so by most definitions he qualifies.

George Romney was an interesting case because his grandparents took his parents out of the US when they were children because his grandparents were seeking to avoid federal prison time for violating laws against unlawful cohabitation, but even then the general consensus in the late 1960s was Romney was eligible to run.

McCain is not quite the same case as Lois since he was born in a clear US possession, not just a military base. But no one argued he was ineligible to run because he was born in what is now Panama. Those born in the Philippines to non-US citizen parents in 1938 when it was a US possession would be the most intriguing test case.

John Pack Lambert