Like horns on a June bug.(Individual Responsibility)

You been sniffin' lanotype? This is a newspaper - it's catastrophe or atrophy. (We Have a Lot to Talk About)

Hey, what is this, a rock garden? (Through a Glass, Darkly)

Faster than you can say 'trout almondine'. (Through a Glass, Darkly)

What is this, a wax museum?! (Super Mann)

I've been around long enough to tell snakeoil from Shinola (Oedipus Wrecks)

This cockamamie calamity train has gotta _stop_! (Oedipus Wrecks)

Your job isn't going to be worth the sweat off an Elvis imitator if you're dead. (Witness)

Phony as a lock of Elvis's hair from a Memphis souvenir shop. (Strange Visitor)

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15