Seems that I made this one too easy... :p

11:59 on the dot! (Lucky I got back from breakfast on time.) This quiz is officially closed!!







1. First Kiss by VirginiaR
2. And Nothing But the Truth by Sue S.
3. When Butterflies Gather by Ron Rogers
4. Operation Cupid by Deadly Chakram
5. And Baby Makes Three by Pat (angelsgmaw)
6. Mxyover by Bob Bartholomew
7. My Love by Anonpip
8. The Worst April Fools Prank by Lynn SM
9. Timing Is Everything by Mouserocks
10. Cold Lake by Classicalla

Thanks to all who participated, hope you enjoyed it!

Points will be up in a few. Stay with me here!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain