Sigh. Now you tell me. wink It's all good though. This has given me a few fills for the last two questions I was scrambling for...

And I know. I'm surprised that any of my stories are up on that list, as I am in the bad habit of not transferring anything over to the boards except like once a year. /hangs head in shame/

So. Here I am, formally submitting my year's worth of stories. And yes, you have guilted me into cleaning everything up and sending it over to the Archive. I have scoured the harddrive. Prepare to be spammed with it all. :p

Kill Your Heroes

Timing Is Everything

Scientific Impossibility

The Tooth of the Matter

Blue Skies

Stealing Second

Bad Guys Always Have a Plan

Go for Superman

Mr. Kent Is Dead **

**I am shaky on whether or not to submit this one, because it is technically a part of- or rather an alternate take on- another story that I have in the works (thank you for reminding me!) So I figured I'd ask anyway.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain