I personally think Babylon 5 was the best television show ever made, in part because it did have the overarching story arc.

I realize that saying here that I think it was even better than L&C is probably not the most politic of statements. I hasten to assure everyone that L&C ties with B5 for being my favourite show, but L&C's relatively episodic nature and the way character development and continuity were handled in B5, not to mention its ability to provoke thought, make it a better program in my book. Of course, having said that, I should also add that L&C has captured my heart and my imagination in a way B5 never quite did; I can relate to aspects of both title characters in ways that I really can't do with the B5 characters. And, perhaps as a consequence, I've only ever written one B5 fanfic, if you can even call it that -- and that was just the two-paragraph snippet I posted a few minutes ago in the "Original Fiction" folder.

Have I dug myself out of the hole yet? peep
