How fun! I hope more people post here. This isn't anything spectacular, but it's a cutting room floor scene from A New Hero which I swear will one day be finished. blush

For two weeks, Clark worked at home but still had to take it easy when he went back to the Planet. He was put on desk duty. Desk duty, of all things. Jimmy wouldn't hear of anything else, though, and ironic as it was, Jimmy was his boss, now, so he had no choice. No one questioned the mountain climbing accident. Except for 'welcome back', the only comment he got was from Cat, who had been back at the Planet for a few years, now. “So, tiger,” she purred, “not much of a mountain climber, eh? Maybe Cat can kiss it and make it aaalll better.”

Clark had responded, “Cat! Please!”

“Oh, yes, please.” She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He just ignored her as he usually did. She was relatively harmless.

Zared made quite an entrance when he walked into the Planet for his exclusive interview with Clark Kent. Cat shamelessly flirted with him saying she thought he looked like Dancing Fire. Thus, strange as it was, Cat Grant named him, and Clark's wonderful article was titled “Dancing Fire Comes to Metropolis”.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~