Sold, Female Hawk! smile You've got Best New Author and Best Super Short. That just leaves...everything else. wink

IolantheAlias (and anyone else interested), here's a brief description of a presenter's job. (It's painless, I promise! It might even be fun!)

1. Explain what the category you're presenting is all about. This is where you can be creative if you want, or you can just set it out straight. "The Best Short Story category covers any story from 11-50k in length." If you need help with the category descriptions, just let me know!

2. List the nominees. "This year's nominees for Best Short Story are *** by ***, *** by ***," etc.

3. Name the winner! The IRC gurus (i.e., Karen) will let you know who the winner is, you announce it. "And the winner is..."

4. That's it!

Any other questions? It's coming down to the wire now!

Does anyone have a link to previous ceremonies? I don't, otherwise I'd put it up for an example.

Amber smile