I had purposely remained a lurker on this thread, since I had had a feeling that I wouldn't be getting too much sympathy from the rest of the group if I pined for more when I have already had the pleasure of reading several parts ahead of most on the list.

But since Corrina mentioned me:

Hi! My name is Lynn, and I'm a TMTYaholic!

The angel on my one shoulder is telling me to tell you to take your time and take it easy. Fanfic writing should be fun and not be a cause for stress.

The devil on my other shoulder, however, wants to pile on the pressure. Is H4 written yet? No? How about now? Not yet? ... Now? wink

Seriously, though, much as I would love to see H4 in my mailbox, I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we'd rather you took the time you need to write and re-write the story until it proves satisfactory to you. If we had to choose (XOR, for the computer geeks here) between speed and quality, I'm sure we'd all prefer quality.

You have set the bar exceedingly high for yourself by showing that you can often produce quality writing quickly; sometimes it is easy for us readers to take it for granted that that will always be the case. Such an expectation, as unrealistic as it is, does reflect positively on your ability to come through so often.

And just to tie what I am writing in to our favourite show, this is like all the Metropolitans just naturally assuming that Superman will beat the bad guys every time.
