One habit of mine I have learned about rather recently is that I use "just" a lot in my writing.
One of my bad habits (and I know I have a lot of them blush )is that I always have people breathing:

Clark snorted.

Lois let out a long, slow breath.

Perry sighed.

As a result, I get not-so-cryptic messages from Gerry telling me: Quit having everyone breathe! laugh

Uhh... Gerry, if everyone stops breathing, they'll die laugh . Of course, I know what she means. She means quit telling the reader that everyone is breathing - or at least, don't do it quite so often. After all, if they are still talking, they are obviously still breathing.

But it's as if when I write, 'Lois let out a long, slow breath,' what I'm really doing is giving the characters a break while I figure out what they are going to say next.

I have to go back through my stories before posting them and take out a lot of my references to breathing. Hopefully, I've mostly succeeded.

Probably shouldn't have told everyone that - now you're all going to be conscious of people breathing when you read my stories (if you weren't already) blush .

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane