Originally posted by cookiesmom:

I also think there is a reluctance by some members to read fic by a new author until they have seen a lot of favorable fdk. And remember that there are a lot of lurkers who read but don't comment.

So please keep on writing! We addicts need our "fix"!
I too have been insanely focused on RL issues recently and have read very little.

I think there can also be a reluctance to read WIPs by unproven authors. All too often we've been left hanging with unfinished stories so until an author proves they have 'staying power' many are reluctant to read.

Alas I have one unfinished WIP out there as well :p . It also generated very little response which was part of it [though I have received several emails about it] but also lack of muse... So even with established authors there is that risk and some won't read WIPS, period.

There was also a poll a number of years ago - for every person who responds, there's probably 6-8 readers who are not. That does not include those who will read on the archive.

Hang in there smile .

Carol [who is off to deal with some of that RL stuff as well... :p ]