Terry wrote:

her death because death is a nasty, brutal thing and this is a PG-13 or below board. Anything which described in slow and horrifying detail Lois (or anyone else) being disemboweled while still alive surely belongs in the Nfic folder.
This bothered me a bit because it's not what I was suggesting. Expressing myself poorly again.

I wasn't asking for gory-detail fics, although of course I was asking that the hypothetical fic not avoid those details if the author chose to kill Lois is that CSI way. I guess it's the interpretation that that's all I was expecting. But dying's not nearly that simple nor limited to the strictly physical.

Further to Ann's comment about about gender and reading/writing preferences. Recent studies of preteen readers have found that generally, girls will read a story with either a male or female as the main protagonist but boys will boycott stories with female main protagonists. There was some discussion of this pattern when the first Harry Potter books turned out to be so popular.

Artemis's point about the gender of most folcs explaining reference for Lois death fics because that allows them to fantaize about their importance as wives, mothers, lovers has been made before, and also in this thread. What can I say?? We women are martyr's in the service of our men. laugh

And I will repeat, but only because Terry reused 'the dead horse' metaphor - it's no more dead-horsing around to write an exposition on death-fic than it is to write a death-fic fantasy.

One thing that is a bit OT - I didn't think gfic specifically censored graphic gory details. I thought it was only the graphic sexual details. Anyway, I don't have difficulty with that policy, I was just unaware of it.
