P.S. As I said, there are few Hollywood movies whose main characters are females. Once recent such movie, however, directed by Peter Jackson, was a movie about a young girl who was... dead! The movie was basically about her happy life as a dead person, after she had been murdered! But only her parents were the victims of her murder, because she herself was as happy as could be!
I just wanted to chime in, if the movie you mean is The Lovely Bones. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the book it was based on (by Alice Sebold) a few years ago, and that's not the impression I got from it. In the book, she lives out her afterlife in her own heaven, tailored to her. She gets anything she wants as soon as she thinks of it. Yet, something that stuck with me even after I forgot many other details of the book is that when she describes her heaven, she says there is only one thing she cannot have, and it is the thing she would like the most: to be alive again.

Quote from page 19 of the paperback:
Eventually I began to desire more. What I found strange was how much I desired to know what I had not known on Earth. I wanted to be allowed to grow up.

"People grow up by living," I said to Franny. "I want to live."

"That's out," she said.
And from page 20:
I could not have what I wanted most: Mr Harvey dead and me living.
(Mr Harvey being her murderer.)

Also, she describes her family's chronicles for years after her death, and considering what they go through, I can't say I read a "happy as can be" tone in her narration.

If she comes across "happy as can be" in the movie then it was seriously misinterpreted by the screenplay writer, IMHO. o_0

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)