Hey, 'Nominated' works for me. Honestly, if I'm trolling around the archive looking for a good story, I'm just as likely to read one with the 'Nominated' icon as one with the 'Winner' icon. And then, if I like it, I'm likely to read other things by the same author, whether they were nominated or not. So I figure, come what may, all our stories will gain some new readers. And that's why we write them, after all--for the readers. laugh

Seriously, I spent a couple of years reading a *lot* of L&C fanfic before I ever attempted to write any, and it was the warm welcome and encouragement and feedback from these boards that gave me the gumption to actually finish a story, so we'll just spread the credit liberally around the entire fandom. You guys rock. thumbsup thumbsup

This *is* my happily ever after.