I'll echo the sentiment...Congratulations to all who have been nominated. I've started reading some of the stories, and I can say that the competition is stiff. There are a lot of really terrific authors in this fandom!

One thing I am curious about...I am finding it difficult to try to determine which story to vote for in some categories, because I feel like I am comparing apples and oranges. As an example, in the "Best Super Short" category, there are examples of excellent comedy and very powerful drama. So how do you all go about making such a decision? I am purposely avoiding any discussion about the relative merits of specific stories here; my question is more high-level than that -- I am more concerned right now about the decision-making process than I am about which individual story may be better.

But I will say that I think the "Best Super Shorts" (sic) winner really ought to be Superman, in his red short-shorts. ;-)
