Originally posted by ccmalo:
Okay, here is is the definitive list of L & C characters who may not be killed off in fanfic without a bit of a gentle reader 'reaction'

_ Henderson
- Lois
_ Perry, Martha, Jonathan (unless they are very, very old)
-Cat (Tank, you killed Cat! Just saying)

notice Jimmy is not on the list - I am ambivalent there

c. angel-devil
I would agree with most of your list, at least as far as my own personal reactions are concerned, with a few exceptions:
- I would take Cat off and put Jimmy on
- I would take Henderson off (He was too minor a character and, frankly, never made much of an impression on me even when he was on screen.)
- I might add Dr. Klein and H.G. Wells to the list

And, in agreement with you, I would *definitely* keep Ralph way, way off the list!

- Lynn