Well, broadband appears to be up and working and I did say that I’d start doing these quizzes when this happened, so my excuse for lurking has vanished. I hope Carol’s reserved last place for me, ‘cos that’s where I think I’m heading!













Quote 1: I recognise it! I can’t remember who or what, but I have read it.
Quote 2: Erm... Next!
Quote 3: Ooo, I think I almost recognise this one too.
Quote 4: Again, this is familiar but no names or titles leap out.
Quote 5: Familiar and... am I correct in thinking they’re about to have a snowball fight? Do I get any bonus points if they are?
Quote 6: Murphy? Might this be Murphy’s Law which I think was by Cookiesmom? I’ll be really impressed if it is.
Quote 7: Snort. I don’t recognise it, but I like it so far!
Quote 8: OK, I have read this and I have a horrible feeling it was rather recently. Sorry!
Quote 9: Cows can be very noisy when they moo in the morning.
Quote 10: Again I know I’ve read it...

Excerpt 1: Sorry, I know I know it but I’m no closer to an answer
Excerpt 2: Dunno
Excerpt 3: Nope, sorry
Excerpt 4: Again with the not knowing
Excerpt 5: Well, I’m still hoping for bonus points for remembering the fic had a snowball fight in it...
Excerpt 6: Erm, let’s hope my quote guess was right
Excerpt 7: Is this Never Give In-laws Your House Key by Queen of the Capes (or the other one... Never Give Anyone Your House Key)
Excerpt 8: Yes, I have read this.
Excerpt 9: No idea
Excerpt 10: Nope