Just trying to clarify in my head...

So the character would have to be considered a 'lead' or main character in the fic and is not Lois or Clark.

'Walk on' role - of course not.

I guess I never thought it was someone who had to be the focus of the fic. Doesn't that negate the 'supporting' part?

So it would have to be a fic focused on, say, Lord Nor? [Such as one titled: Lord Nor Saves the Earth]

Someone who is in half the fic but integral to the plot? [One titled: Kal-El Does a Good Job Until He Gets Hit with Kryptonite then Lord Nor Saves the Earth in the Second Half]

Someone who is in and out but plays a key supporting role? [Title: Kal-El Saves Earth and Relies on Lord Nor, Who Shows Up at Convenient Times, for Yoda-like Guidance and Wisdom]

[Yeah - I know playing fast and loose with the character of Lord Nor there =D]

If it's just the first one, wouldn't supporting be more like 'Non-Lois and Clark as the Main Character' rather than a true supporting, like J/M etc often are in the show - like Jimmy and Perry talk about in whatever ep that is where they talk about getting lives of their own instead of being supporting characters for L/C?

Not trying to pick a fight or anything like that, just trying to understand smile . I rarely nominate much so have never spent too much time thinking about it since I only vote on what's already nominated but I'm trying harder this year!