This is a version of TOC's 'Villains are boring" thread in OT. Thought I'd post it here, because it has to do with those 'other charcters' in L & C: tnaoS. You know who they are - Perry White, Cat Grant, Jimmy, Henderson and sevral others whom we saw less of but still seem to crop up in fanfic a fair bit. Zymak for example. Anyway there are others too.

So do you find these characters boring when they crop up in fanfic? or ???

I'll begin by saying I really liked Henderson - his laconic speech and his ironic shoulder shrugs. I always got the feeling he had both Lois's and Clark's number. Plus he's fun to read when he's well written.

Okay, boring from the list. Zara - she could have been so much more. Given her rank, responsibility, the implicit contradictions in her character that were never explored, she should have been great. But perhaps that's why some fanfics have handled her much better than the show did.

oh, and are there any canon characters that as soon as you see them in a fic, you skip that part or, gasp!, even stop reading all together?

So what do you think?
