There's never been a universally-accepted definition in this area, but I'll tell you what they mean to me. smile

Alt-beginnings are rewrites or sidesteps of the Pilot; it's still "our" Lois and Clark, up until the point of the alt-beginning. Caroline's Stardust, for instance, has a Clark and a Lois who are pretty much identical to those on the show, up until a chance encounter --their first meeting -- throws a severe spin on subsequent interactions.

Elseworlds are different; they're different universes, with fresh new characters -- they're basically Clark and/or Lois, of course, but with new circumstances/backgrounds/experiences. In Janet's story The Girl Next Door, Clark is (mostly) the guy we all know -- but Lois grew up with superpowers. That's a pretty fundamental change. Or maybe baby Kal-El went to New Krypton instead of Earth, or Lois grew up in Smallville.

Alt-universe stories involve the specific Alt-Clark that we saw in Tempus, Anyone and Lois and Clarks. Usually the stories pick up post-Lois and Clarks, so they don't change his circumstances, just introduce scenarios wherein he goes on to meet/find alt-Lois. Alt-Clark was such an appealing and heart-breaking character that we want to give him a happy ending. Connections, for instance, is an alt-universe.

Distinctions can be murky, of course, and it's possible to combine them; I wrote In Any Universe, which was an alt-beginning alt-universe goofy -- I took the basic facts of the alt-universe but went back to rewrite it so that Lois never went to the Congo.

I think the key is the initial state of the characters. As of the very beginning of the story:

--Did the events of the Pilot happen? Then it's the canon universe, no matter how different it gets after that.
--Are L&C identical to pre-Pilot canon L&C, but the Pilot was altered or never happened? That's an alt-beginning.
--Are L&C different than pre-Pilot canon L&C? That's an elseworld.
--Are L&C identical to canon (post-Lois and Clarks ) alt-Clark (lonely, no privacy) and alt-Lois (disappeared in the Congo)? That's a proper alt-universe.

Anyway, that's the way I mentally classify them. smile We've had many long argu- I mean, discussions over the issue for at least a decade now, so this is by no means authoritative.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K