Since I'm watching All Shook Up closely to adapt it for a fic I'm writing... *bashes head on desk* so many little things... he sneezes and the taxi goes slams into a fire hydrant for one? And being found in a smoking crater and someone goes 'hey... you need to go eat!' not 'wow... could you possibly be Superman?'

I always get the feel that the episodes often stood alone too much... so Lois gets little hints but of course whoever was writing the next episode didn't know about those hints... so there is no chance for her to add them up...

Oh... and here's a line I actually plan on using at some point in the future:

Lois smiles, “You’re a strange one, Clark Kent.”

Clark’s smile falters fractionally, “Am I?”

Lois’ grin turns mischievously, “Yeah... but I think I’ve got you figured out...”

Clark’s eyes twinkle as he regards her, “Really?”

Lois leans forward, “Mm... hmm...”

“Didn’t take you long...”

“That’s my business, looking beyond the external...” she glances around the now empty newsroom. Clark just watches her. Lois smiles and leans forward, “So... how *did* you get that man out of the sewer?”

Sara "Lieta"