I agree with rkn. Why not post both versions, set, if you wish, in alternate universes?

I like the idea of him going away, blissfully ignorant of his impending fatherhood, and coming back to a six- or seven-year-old. I rather like the SR take on the whole situation, so that Lois herself may not be aware that her child is Clark's. Of course, for that to work we have to rush Lois into a new relationship almost as soon as Clark has left her bed, and I sure don't like that idea!!! razz razz razz

Another possibility, if we stay moderately movie-related, is to have Lois suffer from amnesia. That's fine with me, as long as Clark hasn't deliberately inflicted the amnesia on her. razz razz razz

The thing is, I think it could be very interesting if Clark comes back and finds that Lois has a child, but Lois herself doesn't know who the father is. What is more, she doesn't remember making love to Clark, so she has never suspected that he is the father of her child. Finding out the kid's true paternity could be quite an adventure for both Lois and Clark after seven years, or what do you think?

But I think it would also be very interesting if Lois confronts Clark as he is about to leave for Krypton and tells him that he is about to be a father. I have always thought that the real reason why Clark left for Krypton was that he wanted to do it. I think that he would feel an acute sense of disappointment if he was told that he couldn't go, right when he was preparing to leave. I think that he really would stay if he was told that Lois was pregnant, but then again, maybe he wouldn't. Soldiers everywhere go to war even though their girlfriends and wives are pregnant. It would be very interesting to see Clark choose between family life on Earth and the exploration of his roots on New Krypton.
