Okay, I'm going to assume that the three from Charmed are Piper, Phoebe, and Paige (or maybe Prue). And I'm going to assume that Lois and Clark are two of the characters from LnC. So that means we have to figure out what their #'s are. I'm also going to assume that one of the superheroes is not Superman. I'm betting one of them is Batman. Spiderman and Ironman would also be high on the list, I'd think.

So are you going to answer the questions we ask here? Or are you going to do a separate post for every one. Wouldn't it make more sense to post the answers to our questions here? Or maybe I totally don't get it.

Well, anyway, here's my question. If #5 and #7 were best friends, would they be the same sex?

Oh, and question for the moderators. Does this thread need to be moved to off topic?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~