::pokes nose out of burrow::

Yes, yes, I know - it's been an insanely long time. Hi, FOLCs! smile

It's all your fault, you know. Especially Pam. Because way back in 2005, you had this long and interesting thread going on in the Off Topic forum about this show I'd never heard of and this guy who kept dying and wore glasses while he saved the world. And it made me curious enough to download the transcipt from Reckoning, which definitely got me interested enough to go back eight seasons to find out what these four people were really all about, and now I am obsessed with Daniel and Teal'c and Jack and Sam and Hammond and the Little Doc, and...

Did I mention it's all your fault? goofy

Anyway, one of my SG-1 LJ friends (who also likes Smallville, gasp!) has just finished mainlining all four seasons of LnC. I gave her multiple links (including this mb, natch, plus the archive), and she asked, "Are there fics about them reporting together? That is what I liked the most - the investigative partnership."

I gave her several names that sprang to mind, but I've been out of active LnC fandom for too long to know the new names, and I'm afraid I might have forgotten old favorites. So give me recs, people! I'm not saying that she's anti-romance, but she's definitely more interested in the professional relationship aspect. She's a prolific writer, too, so we need to suck her into fandom as quickly as possible. thumbsup

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827