I was just randomly wondering something after I watched Green, Green Glow of Home recently...

Called? You want a name? Nobody
can even find it. Even the sample
Irig sent to the lab disappeared.
I'm not sure it existed anywhere
but Trask's mind.
When Lois writes her article about Kryptonite at the end of GGGOH, does she know the rock's color?

After all, she hasn't seen it and doesn't even believe it existed except in Trask's mind.

People who've seen it (Trask & his minions, Kents and Irig) are either dead, disappeared, or not talking.

So she doesn't know that it's green in color, right? What do you think?


If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria