Hi everyone,

I am currently working (or putting of working) on three different fics - so I hope that at least one or two might actually see the light of day/the boards - and I came up with two separate questions:

1. Is it generally known that Clark was adopted, or do people around him think that Martha and Jonathan are his real parents?
If it is ever mentioned, who finds out and how?
And no, that doesn't include people who find out that he's Superman and thus have to die, be sent back in time or have to have their memories wiped one way or the other smile

2. Is it ever mentioned on the show which college Lois or Clark attended; whether they spent some time abroad, and what their major and minor(s) were?
I read that Lois spent a year in Ireland; does anyone happen to know when we learn this on the show and what age she was supposed to be?

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance smile


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