My best friend and long-time beta once went above and beyond the call of duty when proofreading one of my stories. She decided to test my theory that my heroine could get free of her bonds and tied herself to her desk chair. It was only as she was struggling after about ten minutes that she realised to her horror she was being watched by the wide-eyed window cleaner. I don't think she was able to look him in the eye again after that...
Okay, I have to use up a post and laugh at this because this is a total scream!

Truth be told, I try and write about things that actually happen to me, but I have a very vivid imagination, so while I've killed plenty of fish and gotten buzzed off cold medication among other things, I have yet to assault a nun, rob somebody, or what else, pose for Playboy...


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy