I had this idea last night while thinking of what to do for my Dad's birthday which is in a month-no he's not much into L and C-but we sure are and our birthday LabRat is so here goes:

Would anyone be interested in doing a birthday-thon? Anyone interested would sign up and include their month of birth. I understand if online someone would rather not post the day and then perhaps someone from the following month (or randomly) would be nmatched up to write you a short yet sweet birthday L and C story. If we wanted, we could either ask for the usual 3 wants/do wants in our story, have it be a complete surprise, or offer an idea/beginning that we'd like to see written. Whjat doe you folcs think?

A second idea comes from when we did that write a story from a random word(s)thread and from the romance novel author lists now. Fan Fics that start from a favorite book title of ours. I guess we could also do song title as well?

Two ideas clap thank you to LaraMoon for having organized and sticking with our current Christmas ficathon. Thanks, Lara.
